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Meet the Team: Chris Birmbas

Chris joined Daystar in June 2020. Originally from Peabody, MA, Chris has spent most of his life in Hampton, NH.

Let's get to know Chris!

What do you do at Daystar?

I am an Onsite IT Specialist. I handle preps. set-ups, and installations on all new client workstations. I also assist with any IT support that requires an onsite visit.

What do you like most about your work?

No day is the same for me here at Daystar. I get the opportunity to travel all over NH, MA, and ME supporting our clients and seeing what their day-to-day is like. I enjoy being exposed to new things constantly and learn something new every day.

What was your first job?

Grocery department at Shaw’s supermarket. I was responsible for stocking all the shelves and making everything look nice.

What's the best advice you've been given or give?

Communication is, in my opinion, the single most important thing in all types of relationships and, for most people I know (myself included), it is very difficult to do. If we could all just talk to each other, I believe many problems would be solved.

If I couldn't work in technology, I'd be...

It would have to be something that would allow me to help people and solve problems. I enjoy putting the pieces together and putting a smile on people’s faces.

Technology you can't live without....

My iPhone… It does my music, GPS, messaging, gaming, shopping and so much more all in a device that fits in your pocket!

Favorite app?

Apple Music by far. I love being able to download full discographies of so many artists. I enjoy a wide variety of music including metal, dance, bluegrass, and jazz. I have over 300GB of music downloaded on my iPhone and it would not be possible without Apple music.

What are you binge watching?

I recently finished bingeing Ozark and really enjoyed it. I am currently bingeing Game of Thrones (even though I have already seen it) so I can start House of the Dragon (which is the new prequel to Game of Thrones). My favorite show of all time is Curb Your Enthusiasm.